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Minute Karate
Introduction (0:52)
What Is Kihon (0:29)
What Is Kata (0:20)
What Is Kumite (0:32)
What Is Shiai (0:19)
Disclaimer (0:50)
What You'll Need (0:19)
Make a Fist (0:59)
Hikite (0:52)
Rei (0:50)
Yoi (0:19)
Tsuki (0:58)
Targets (0:53)
Maegeri (0:54)
Zenkutsu Dachi (0:59)
Stepping in Zenkutsu (0:33)
Oizuki (0:29)
Maegeri with Zenkutsu (0:20)
Gedan Barai (0:55)
Gedan Barai with Zenkutsu (0:59)
Age Uke (0:56)
Age Uke with Zenkutsu (0:28)
Kokutsu Dachi (0:41)
Stepping in Kokutsu (0:47)
Shuto Uke with Kokutsu (0:59)
Shuto Uke with Kokutsu (0:40)
Soto Uke (1:00)
Kata - Heian Shodan
Rei, Tokui Kata & Yoi (0:48)
Gedan Barai _ move #1 (0:29)
Oizuki Chudan #1 & How To Practice at Home _ moves #1 & #2 (0:46)
Second Way of Practicing at Home _ moves #1 & #2 (0:37)
Gedan Barai 180° #1 _ move #3 (0:36)
Tetsui _ move #4 (0:30)
Oizuki Chudan #2 and How to Practice at Home _ moves #3 to #5 (0:42)
Gedan Barai 90° #1 & 3 Age Uke _ moves #6 to #9 (1:00)
Gedan Barai 270° _ move #10 (0:59)
Oizuki #3 to Oizuki #7 _ moves #11 to #17 (0:59)
Shuto Uke 270° _ move #18 (0:51)
Shuto Uke 45° #1 _ move #19 (0:52)
Shuto Uke 135° & Shuto Uke 45° #2 _ moves #20 & #21 (0:48)
Kumite - Sanbon Kumite with count
Rei, Yoi & Taking Your Distance (0:59)
Attack Oizuki Jodan (0:44)
Block Age Uke (0:36)
Counter Attack Gyaku Zuki (0:58)
Attack Oizuki Chudan (0:45)
Block Soto Uke & Counter Attack Gyaku Zuki (0:59)
Fudo Dachi (0:53)
Kizami Tsuki (0:58)
Step Fwd & Step Back Yore Ashi (0:38)
Step Sideways (0:53)
Gyaku Zuki (0:50)
Tsuki Targets and Contacts (0:44)
Kizami Mawashi Geri (0:59)
Ko Ashi Mawashi Geri (0:59)
Thank You (0:29)
Zenkutsu Dachi
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